

Court Marriage Registration in Pakistan

Court marriage consists of various legal aspects and procedures which are needed to be fulfilled according to the law of the country for the get married legally. In Pakistan, it is a constitutional right of every citizen to choose a Read more


Purposes of the marriage: Islamic Perspective

The success and prosperity of a society greatly rely on the durability of the relation of its individual members, hence family making up the primary unit of the framework of society provides the avenue for introduction of such relationships among Read more

Muslim Nikah ceremony

Muslim Nikah Ceremony Step by Step Guide In Islam

A number of Brothers and Sisters have been inquiring us regarding what they can anticipate from the Nikah ceremony. So this post shows a Nikah ceremony step by step information to all those thinking about getting married and the  Nikah requirements Read more


Right of divorce (Talaq-i-Tafweez)

 Right of divorce (Talaq-i-Tafweez) The wife can pronounce divorce while exercised her right of divorce (Talaq e Tafwiz) delegated by her husband as per clause 18 of the Nikahnama under Pakistan Muslim Family Law Ordiananc’1961 otherwise she has to proceed Read more