Purposes of the marriage: Islamic Perspective


The success and prosperity of a society greatly rely on the durability of the relation of its individual members, hence family making up the primary unit of the framework of society provides the avenue for introduction of such relationships among the individual members. Marriage as the only practice through which individuals are brought into existence can play a very important role in the formulation of a good and friendly relation between the individual at the micro level in the society, therefore, stretching it to the macro level. Therefore, this article tries to determine the value of marriage in Islam, its objectives and role, in the development of friendly relations among the individuals the society. This article utilizing a logical approach concludes that marriage results in the creation of a friendly relationship among family members hence result in an integrated social relation network in the society.

Marriage is a contract between a man and a woman, whom he can lawfully get married to, with the goals of creating a joint life and procreation. The Arabic term ‘zawaj’ (“marriage”) mean association and joining together. This term is used in the Holy Quran in the same sense of bringing together or of being together. In addition, the term ‘nikah’ (“marriage”) is defined as “a purposeful contract to acquire and possess enjoyment.” It also symbolizes the meaning of coming together or assembling. However, it normally suggests marriage. The term zawj is used in the Quran implying a pair or a mate (Mohammed, 2012). The word: ‘nikah’ is mentioned in al-Quran in several places like in Surah al-Baqarah verse 221, 230, 232; Surah al-Nisa’ verse 3, 22, 25; Surah an-Nur verse 3, 32, 33 and Surah al-Ahzab verse 49. (Ibrahim, 1997) In fact, marriage and pairing are of the laws that Allah, the Almighty has passed for his creatures.

Marriage or nikah in Islam is a highly religious holy agreement which legalizes sexual intercourse and hence, the procreation of children. It shows ‘the practical bent of Islam’ for it combines the nature of both worships (ibadat) and social relations (muamalat). Thus, marriage ziwaj suggest a process through which a man and woman through a specific kind of contract (‘aqd) are united and live together legally as husband and wife.

Marriage is the only process through which individuals are brought into existence; therefore it is of great value for human society. It is simply because that family makes up the fundamental unit of the structure of society, that the Prophet (PBUH), insisted his followers with capacity for marriage to enter marriage contract.

However, it must be born in mind that there are specific steps and rules that Shari’ah has recommended for the process of entering into the contract of marriage which has to be abided. Among these procedures are verbal consent of spouses, the presence of a guardian, and the presence of two witnesses.

This is essential to guarantee the smooth running of the family life and its proper functioning and that both husband and wife live in a sphere that is covered with love, stability, and harmony.

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said, “In Islam, there is no room for celibacy” (Muhammad, 1994).

This saying of the prophet signifies that marriage is a religious duty and social requirement and offers a moral shield for the behavior of the individual members of society. In fact, marriage gives a channel through which one can satisfy his/her natural needs and regulates them in a high manner therefore, avoiding becoming a slave to his/her desires. It is the only legitimate or halal way by which a man and a woman enjoy sexual relations.


Significance of Marriage in Islam

The value and importance of the institution of marriage are evident from the fact that it provides a healthy environment for the maintenance of friendly relationships between the spouses and reciprocal love between them. It assists one to preserve his/her chastity and shield him/herself against committing the prohibited acts. Similarly, it signifies a good way of reproduction, multiplication, and preservation of the family lineage. Therefore, Islamic law prescribes several specifications or conditions which are fundamental or important for a valid Muslim marriage such as offer and acceptance (ijab wa qabul), wali or a guardian for marriage as well as mahr or dowry.

Other than that Islam also enact different rules, for instance, to tolerate polygamy as an alternative to the sexual promiscuity, promote procreation and forbids abortion, enact law for the obligations of spouses, prescribe the requirement of iddah for women, take care of the financial need of wife, children, and other family members and the like. Islam also enacts regulations and rules that are ideal for the realization of the goal of Muslim marriage.

In pursues of attaining a prosperous relationship, the government also plays an important role by enacting a law relating to the marriage contract and its procedures. For example, Malaysia has passed the Islamic Family Law Act which supervises the marriage contract in each state. Likewise, other countries have introduced laws regarding marriage contract.

The institution of marriage is significantly highlighted in Islam and its importance is made crystal clear. This is obvious from another tradition of the prophet in which he states

“Marriage is my practice. Whosoever avoid it is not my follower/from me.”

Imam Ahmad also has reported that the Prophet PBUH said, “The evils amongst you are those who stay single and mean are those who die in a state of staying single.” (Hassan, 1985)

In the light of these Quranic injunctions and the prophetic traditions, it can be figured that Islam supports the value and significance of marriage in high esteem.

Marriage, as understood in Islam, brings together two different aspects of human life: an aspect of ‘ibadah (worship) of Allah and aspect of mu’amalah (transactions between human beings).

Thinking about marriage as an act that pleases Allah SWT, it can be considered Ibadah, for, the husband and wife love each other in accordance with Allah’s SWT commandments and make efforts to continue the human race and rear and nurse their children to become true servants of Allah.

The Purposes of Marriage

Marriage in Islam has multiple objectives like spiritual peace, cooperation, and collaboration in accomplishing the divine obligation.
Although, marriage fulfills one’s material wants inadequate and orderly manner, nevertheless, as said before, harmony and tranquility that is achieved through effective unification is recognized as its main goal.

Besides, tranquility and peace marriage provides cooperation between males and females by means of which they can achieve better and fulfill the divine requirement. As Allah SWT has stated in the Quran:

”The believers, males, and females, are partners of one another; they shall jointly enjoin all that is good and counsel against all that is evil. (Qur’an, 9:71)

Based on the above principle the purposes of the marriage can be illustrated as follow:

The union between Male and Female
Marriage connects woman and man in a high and dignified way. It is a divine law that nothing can ever carry out its obligation independently. Allah SWT has created all things in a manner that they are reliant on one another of its kind. They couldn’t operate individually and need each other’s support in complementing one another.


Marriage naturally leads to reproduction which is essential for the continuity and existence of human generation on the earth. It is a blessing of Allah’s that he granted the man a mate of his own kind to live with and be together saying.

And Allah hath provided you wives of your own kind, and has given you, from your wives, descendant, and has provided you with good provision. Is it then in vanity that they believe and in the grace of Allah that they disbelieve? (16:72)

The Prophet PBUH said:
“Get married (and reproduce) for I will boast of your large numbers in front of other nations (on Judgment Day) and do not apt to-celibacy or-monasticism.” (al-Baihaqi, 2003).

For it is by the ways of reproduction that the whole humanity throughout the planet, until the point when life comes to an end, is preserved.

Completion of Faith
Marriage complements one’s faith, meaning that it helps one avoid looking at other women, therefore, protecting his chastity. This is obvious from the saying of the prophet PBUH pertaining to marriage

“It saves one from looking at what one should not, or it prevent one from being involved in adultery.” (Majah, n. d.)

Happiness and Joy
Marriage besides preserving the Muslim faith, achieve his worldly happiness which Islam supports. Faith and happiness are important aspects of one’s personality. They can support one in his struggle of boosting his souls and getting high levels of religiousness. This is outlined by the prophet PBUH as reported by Imam Muslim,

“The entire world is-source of pleasure and the best-source of pleasure of the world is the righteous woman.”
(Muslim, n. d.)

There is another tradition with similar connotation: “there are four things that bring one joy: a righteous spouse, a commodious house, a religious neighbor and a comfortable means of riding” (Bayhaqi, 2003).

Establishment of Family
Marriage is the only system for establishing family life. No respectable human society could ever exist without family, the primary unit of the framework of society. Family is the avenue where close relation comes out such as parental and maternal relations, parent and child relation as well as that of sibling’s relations. Together with these relations, it also inculcates an earnest sense of love and compassion, altruism, kindness, care, and cooperation in a Muslim.

Improving Social Relations
Marriage improves and strengthens social connections among the individual members of society. For, it stretches the range of family by adding new relatives to the family structure through inclusion of in-laws and children’s aunts and uncles. Thus, through such extension more and more people can enjoy the emotions of love, belonging and social closeness in the society. Allah views both kinship and marriage relations to be extremely important and encourage the family members to maintain both kinship and marriage relations strongly. Allah, Exalted be He, says: (And Allah is who has created man from water, and has selected for him relation by blood and relation by marriage; for thy Lord is ever Powerful.) (Al-Furqan, 54)

Sense of Responsibility
Marriage nurtures human character by instilling a sense of responsibility in him and enabling him to bear his responsibility as a husband and a father. In the same manner, marriage inculcates in a woman the sense of responsibility as a wife and a mother. Unfortunately, some people avoid marriage due to distorted mentality and tendency of not willing to bear them responsibly. Thus, living like grown-up children without meaningful relation, house, and responsibility. They lose their worth to live a meaningful life and prove to be good for nothing. These all are due to ignorance of the significance of marriage which represents a strong commitment and a shared responsibility between a man and a woman since their first day together. Allah, Exalted be He, says:

Men are the guardian of women because Allah has made men-some of them-to excel the other, for, they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are those women who are obedient and guard in secret what Allah has guarded. (Qur’an, 4:34)

It is mentioned in a prophetic tradition that:

“Everyone is a guardian and responsible for those who are under his charge; for example, the man in his home is a guardian and responsible for his household; the woman, concerning her husband’s property, is a guardian and responsible for what she is entrusted with.” (Muhammad, 1422)

Consequently, Islam also prescribes the obligation of the husband towards his wife such as the duty of care, avoiding foul language, giving her protection, the duty of financial support and etc. Besides that, the wife also must perform her obligation towards her husband like being loving and tolerant with her husband, avoiding asking divorce without valid reason and others obligations stated in Qur’an and the tradition of the Prophet PBUH Thus, husband and wife have to take responsibility towards all of these obligations respectively.

Confidence and Assurance
A married person is more capable of focusing fully on performing his job professionally, for, he is motivated by the fact that there is someone who cares about him and takes care of the household and his children. Thus, having peace of mind he can do his job properly and a productive and excellent manner. At the contrary, a person who is not married his mind is not focused but disintegrated. For, his mind is preoccupied with thinking about his work and home, and the burden of securing his food and clothes.

Purposes of the marriage: Islamic Perspective


To conclude, the provision of a healthy environment for the maintenance of cordial relations and reciprocal love between the spouses can be considered as the primary objective of the contract of marriage. Besides the provision of a healthy environment for the establishment of cordial relations between spouses, it has some other purposes manifested in the provision of the company to each other, loving one another, procreation of children and living in peace and tranquility.

In fact, marriage is a channel through which emotional and sexual feeling can be gratified and tension is reduced. It comes under the form of Ibadah (worship) because it is an act of obeying Allah and his messenger and the only legal means through which the male and female can be united, hence, living together as husband and wife. Hence marriage being a mithaq a (solemn covenant) requires a full commitment and knowledge of what it embodies. For, it nurtures human character by instilling a sense of responsibility in him and enabling him to shoulder his duty, as a husband and a father. In the same manner, marriage inculcates in a woman the sense of responsibility which she has to shoulder, as a wife and a mother. Such a responsibility requiring a strong determination should be taken seriously to avoid undesired consequences.

Marriage is the sole mechanism for establishing family life. No respectable human society could ever exist without family, the fundamental unit of the structure of society. It is a divine law that nothing can ever perform its duty independently. Allah SWT has created everything in pair and they are in need of one another for their complementation. Marriage unites man and woman in a lofty and dignified manner due to this function it is considered as one of the most virtuous institutions in Islam, a unique position which other religion lack.

Faith and happiness are crucial elements of one’s personality. Marriage is considered as a form of ‘ibadah (worship) for, it is an act which is in full compliance with the commandments Allah SWT hence incurring His pleasure.