Online Nikkah in Islam and How to Do It

Online Nikkah in Islam

Islam encourages believers to marry and start a family. Family forms the foundation of any society. Cohesive and robust societies are made up of stable families. This is the reason why Muslims are commanded to marry. Allah (SWT) states in the Holy Quran:

“Another of His signs is that He created mates of your own kind of yourselves so that you may get peace of mind from them, and has put love and compassion between you. Verily there are signs in this for those who reflect.” [30:21]

The life of our beloved Holy Prophet (SAWW) also highlights the importance of marriage. The Holy Prophet (SAWW) took several wives in his lifetime, and he married all kinds of women, from widows to virgins. He even broke the Arabic tradition that stigmatized marrying a woman who had been the wife of one’s adopted son.

Marriage among the Helpers and Muhajareen, along with the informal brotherhood contract, cemented relations and made Madinah a haven for peace and harmony.

Virtues of Marriage in the Light of Islam

Here are all the reasons why marriage is held in high regard in Islam:

Shield Against Sin

Marriage protects us from a life of sin by allowing people to fulfill their physical desires in a permissible and just way. Physical desires are only natural to humans so getting married to satiate those desires is encouraged.

It prevents such societal ills as fornication, which can result in other issues like unwedded mothers and abortions. Marriage protects other relations and creates familial bonds among members of a society.

Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAWW)

It is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAWW). It is common knowledge that Allah’s Messenger (SAWW) married several women during his lifetime. Some of these marriages were to strengthen political relations, some to make a social statement, and others out of love and affection.

No matter the case, Allah’s Messenger (SAWW) treated all his wives justly and equally. He showed how to be a model husband and balance work and marital duties.

Continuation of the Muslim Ummah

Marriage leads to the formation of families as couples produce offspring. These children form the future of the Muslim community and ensure the continuation of family lineage.

Source of Tranquility and Affection

Marriage is a beautiful bond between individuals and families. It is a source of comfort, love, and tranquility for both men and women.

The marriage contract in Islam, Nikkah, is designed to give both the husband and the wife duties and rights. Wives must fulfill their responsibilities to their husbands and are entitled to certain rights, and vice versa. It is a beautiful balance that ensures the smooth progression of marital life.

Is Online Nikkah Valid?

The answer is a resounding yes. As per the reasons mentioned above, marriage is encouraged. Online nikkah is just as valid and binding as in-person nikkah as long as it fulfills the requirements for the marriage contract to become binding.

Technology has enhanced the way we live. Advancements in science and technology have transformed the way we live entirely. Digital technologies have enabled us to communicate easily, which has impacted the way we interact with people.

Nowadays, social media apps and services have made it possible for a marriage contract to be signed and agreed upon in the presence of the bride, the groom, and the witnesses without any of them being together at a physical location.

Since such a facility was not available at the time of the Holy Prophet (SAWW), it is impossible to draw a conclusion based on hadith and Sunnah. However, there is consensus among Islamic scholars regarding the validity and legality of online nikkah. The following hadith of the Holy Prophet (SAWW) narrated by Hazrat Aisha (رَضِيَٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهَا):

“Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I will boast of your great numbers before the nations. Whoever has the means, let him get married, and whoever does not, then he should fast for it will diminish his desire.” [Sunan ibn Majah, Vol 3, book 9, Hadith 1846]

It is generally done out of necessity, as both parties cannot simultaneously be physically present at the same place. Visa complications or work commitments may prevent the nikkah from being held in person. The ruling is clear, as all schools of Islamic jurisprudence consider online nikkahvalid, given that certain conditions are met.

Requirements for Online Nikkah

An online nikkah is binding if the following conditions are being met:

Both Parties Must be of Age

The bride and the groom must be of age and mentally sound. Most countries have rules regarding the age of consent that may vary slightly, but generally, 18 years is a suitable age for giving informed consent. This ensures that the individuals getting married understand the sanctity of the union and are willing and able to handle the responsibilities that marriage entails.

A Qazi Must Be Present to Officiate the Marriage Contract

Ensure that a person who can legally officiate the marriage contract is part of the proceedings and can attest to the legality of the nikkah. Licensed professionals must be hired so they know what they are doing and can guide everyone involved in validating the marriage contract.

Presence of Witnesses

Two male adults must also be present to witness the proceedings so they can testify under oath that the nikkah was valid and all the terms of the marriage contract were met. These male witnesses can be from among family or friends, but that is unnecessary. Any sane, adult male Muslim can be a witness.

Guardian for the Bride

In addition to the witnesses, a guardian for the bride should also be present to give consent on behalf of the bride. Usually, the bride’s biological father is the legal guardian, but any mahram can perform this duty.

Setting the Dowry

The amount of the Maher, or dowry, must be agreed upon along with the payment terms. The dowry is a gift from the groom to the bride. The nikkah document must contain the amount decided by the two parties and when it will be paid.

Seeking Consent

The person officiating the nikkah should seek consent from the bride and groom three times. First, the bride must be asked whether she agrees to the terms of the nikkah, and the question must be repeated three times. Next, the groom is asked the same question three times.

Attendance of Family and Friends

The presence of loved ones is not a requirement, but it is desirable. Family members give their blessing to newlyweds so they can start the new chapter of their lives with the approval of those closest to them.

Resolving the Issue of Online Nikkah

Marriage is a sacred contract. It represents the joining of two beings and two families and forms the cornerstone of any society. Nikkah is a desirable act, and any attempt to make it easy should be appreciated.

It is natural to be skeptical of modern technology and the way we conduct ourselves in an ever-changing digital landscape. However, online nikkah is agreed upon by all schools of thought in Islam as valid and legal, so you do not need to worry.