Get Your Computerized NADRA Divorce Certificate

Nadra Divorce Certificate

Zahid Law Associates facilitates obtaining a Nadra Divorce Certificate in Pakistan. We offer online services for the divorce registration certificate based on legal documentation. We understand the complexities and challenges involved in navigating the divorce process, and we’re here to simplify it for you. Whether you’re going through a divorce or dealing with legal documentation, we can provide you with swift and reliable assistance.

Dissolution of Muslim Marriages

The husband can legally divorce his wife by issuing a written Divorce declaration, often done with witnesses present when he pronounces Triple Divorce. Therefore, a written Divorce declaration in Pakistan is essential for a legal divorce.

On the other hand, if the wife’s right to divorce was not written or authorised in the Nikah Nama, she may instead ask her husband for Khula, can file a Case in Family Court for Dissolution of Marriage by way of Khula. In such cases, our litigation department usually helps the woman to file a case for Khula in Court, based on relevant laws and ordinances.

Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939

  • Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961
  • (West Pakistan) Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act 1962
  • (West Pakistan) Family Courts Act 1964
  • The offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979
  • Law of Evidence (Qanun-e-Shahadat) Order 1984
  • Enforcement of Sharia Act 1991
  • Dowry and Bridal Gifts (Restriction) Act 1976
  • Prohibition (Enforcement of Hudood) Order 1979
  • Offence of Qazf (Enforcement of Hudood) Order 1979
  • Execution of Punishment of Whipping Ordinance 1979

Legal Process of Divorce or Talaq By Husband:

Under the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, there are regulations regarding a divorce declaration in Pakistan. After pronouncing divorce (Talaq) the husband must notify the chairman of the Union Council in writing. The chairman then sends a copy of the notice to the wife for reconciliation. Failure to do so can result in final divorce.

After serving the notice, the chairman forms an Arbitration Council to try to reconcile the couple. If reconciliation efforts fail and the divorce is not revoked within ninety days, it becomes final. However, if the wife is pregnant, the divorce does not take effect until after the pregnancy or ninety days, whichever comes later.

You can reach out to us if you want to learn about types of divorce or need any information regarding the subject!

How To Get a NADRA Divorce Certificate?

Usually, you must take the following actions to receive a Talaq Nama or NADRA divorce certificate:

  • Make a divorce agreement document / declaration or mutual divorce deed.
  • Forward the divorce documents to your spouse and the arbitration council

As required, attend the arbitration council meetings.

  • To represent your wife and yourself, you may choose two relatives from each side.
  • Following that, reconciliation proceedings will be conducted by the arbitration council for a minimum period of ninety days. But there isn’t a time limit in case of final divorce declared by both parties.
  • NADRA divorce certificate by the union council shall be granted if the 90-days period passes and reconciliation fails.

We provide legal aid for Foreigners and Pakistanis living abroad who were married in Pakistan as per the Pakistan Family Law Ordinance 1961 and are currently seeking to dissolve their union through Divorce Declaration. Moreover, you can contact us for help if you need a Nadra divorce certificate online.

Navigate Legal Ways to Get NADRA Divorce Certificate in Pakistan With Ease

It is important to adhere to the proper legal procedures whether your marriage has ended through a Khula (judicial divorce), a divorce (Talaq), or filed through Family Courts in Pakistan. Zahid Law Associates can help you here! We provide legal support for reliable paperwork and marital conflict settlements, including advice on how to get NADRA divorce certificate in Pakistan.

To prevent problems like bigamy or difficulties in resolving issues like maintenance or delayed dower amount (Mehr), we make sure all legal factors are handled carefully. Here concerns about child custody may also surface. You can visit our website to find out more about our offerings, including child custody.

What Is Talaq-E-Tafweez

According to Muslim law, the husband has the authority to divorce, but he can also grant this right to his wife or another person on his behalf. This is known as the Delegated divorce, or “Talaq-e-Tafweez”. This authority, called “Tafweez,” is given to the wife by the husband, who can then file for divorce independently. This practice is regulated by Sections 7 and 8 of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (VIII of 1961) 2013 C L C 1625.

Failure to Give Notice of Talaq

Failing to notify divorce as per the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance invalidated it. The Zina Ordinance, repudiated wives could face charges of Zina if husbands didn’t follow the notification procedure. Moreover, the woman can be entitled to prior support payments if the husband files for oral divorce but fails to notify the Arbitration Council and her by registered post. PLD 2016 457.

Get in touch with us! Explore our range of services including online nikah, Nadra marriage certificate, court marriage, Child Custody, Property Law, dishonoured cheques, Legal Drafting, and Online Legal Advice/Arbitration (ADR). For a free online consultation, get in touch with us now!

FAQs About NADRA Divorce Certificate:

  • What laws apply to child custody in Pakistani divorces?

In Pakistan, the Guardian and Wards Act and the Family Courts Act of 1964 govern child custody disputes in divorce. The primary focus is always on ensuring the best interests and welfare of the minor child.

  • What is the procedure a husband should adopt to give divorce to his wife in Pakistan?

The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance specifies that as soon as a man declares a Talaq / divorce in any manner, he must give written notification to the chairman of the Union Council and send a copy to the wife. The chairman is required to form an arbitration committee to mediate the couple’s reconciliation after receiving the Talaq notice. The divorce will be finalised if the parties are unable to reconcile after ninety days.

  • Is a NADRA divorce certificate a must-have in Pakistan?

Yes, to prove that a marriage has ended, you must obtain a NADRA divorce certificate from the relevant government office according to Pakistani law. This certificate serves as legal documentation of the divorce.

  • Is a Pakistani NADRA divorce certificate recognized in other countries?

Indeed, decisions, judgments, decrees, orders, and certificates issued by Pakistani authorities are legally valid and accepted in other countries like the USA, England, Canada, the Middle East, and other countries under their local Laws.

دوران عدت طلاق دینے سے عدت کب مکمل ہوگی؟

سوال یہ ہے

 اگر کوئی آدمی طلاقِ حسن پر عمل کرتے ہوئے بیوی کو طہر کے اندر ایک طلاق رجعی دے پھر دوسرے طہر کے اندر بغیر رجوع کے دوسری طلاق دے پھر تیسرے طہر کے اندر بغیر رجوع کے تیسری طلاق دے اب اس تیسری طلاق کے بعد عورت مستقل تین حیض عدت گزارے گی یا گزشتہ طلاقوں کے درمیان گزرے ہوئے حیضوں کو شمار کر کے تیسری طلاق کے بعد صرف ایک حیض عدت گزارے گی برائے مہربانی دلائل کی روشنی میں جواب عنایت فرمادیں۔

: جواب

دوران عدت طلاق دینے سے عدت پر کوئی اثر نہیں پڑتا البتہ رجوع کرنے سے عدت ختم ہو جاتی ہے۔ لہٰذا طلاق حسن پر عمل کرنے کی صورت میں گذشتہ حیض عدت میں شمار ہوں گے اور تیسری طلاق کے بعد عورت صرف ایک حیض عدت گزارے گی ، فتاویٰ رحیمیہ(ج:۸، ص:۴۲۸) میں ہے جس شخص نے طلاق حسن کے مطابق تین طلاقیں دیں اور کسی طلاق کے بعد رجوع نہ کیا تو عدت پہلی طلاق کے بعد ہی سے شروع ہو جائے گی اور تین حیض آجانے سے عدت پوری ہو جائے گی یعنی جب تیسرے طہر میں تیسری طلاق دے گا، تو عدت کے دو حیض گزر چکے ہوں گے اس کے بعد ایک حیض آئے گا تو عدت ختم ہو جائے گی،

لما فی ’’بدائع الصنائع‘‘ : ۔

ثم اذا وقع علیھا ثلاث تطلیقات فی ثلاثۃ اطھار فقد مضی من عدتھا حیضتان ان کانت حرۃ لان العدۃ بالحیض عندنا وبقیت حیضۃ واحدۃ فاذا حاضت حیضۃ اخری فقد انقضت عدتھا الخ کتاب الطلاق: ۳:۸۹ (بیروت)

وفی ’’فتح القدیر‘‘ :

ثم اذا اوقع الثلاثۃ فی ثلاثۃ اطھار فقد مضت من عدتھا حیضتان ان کانت حرۃ فاذا حاضت حیضۃ اقتضت عدتھا کتاب الطلاق ، ع: ۳۲۹ (رشیدیہ)

ماخذ :دار الافتاء جامعہ اشرفیہ لاہور
فتوی نمبر :569